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Antiques and Collectibles
10 Collectibles ads

VACUUM TUBES Large amount of electron tubes, 1,000+, some rare. Mostly radio transmit and receive tubes. All for $800. Call before 5 pm, (828) 297-2311 or email tom.reahard@yahoo.com For Feedback or to Cancel

STONE ARROWHEADS, axes and gemstones. Box of around 30 stone arrowheads, 2 celt axes, gemstones etc., from Whitetop, VA, area. $1,000. Call or text (276) 477-3593 or email johnnybgib@gmail.com For Feedback or to Cancel

FUN GINGERBREAD COLLECTION of several years, consisting of many different ornaments, small gingergread candles, a gingerbread apron, gingerbread placemats, a gingerbread sun catcher, a gingerbread spoonrest, gingerbread towels and pot holders, gingerbread cookie and candy jars, and a gingerbread boy and girl, each with pipe for standing outside. Call 336-620-8140, Monday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm. For Feedback or to Cancel

COLLECTIBLES Vintage Anchor Hocking Prescut clear Star of David glass. Several pieces sugar and creamer, bowls, etc., priced from $2 to $8. Call or text (336) 977-4848. For Feedback or to Cancel