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9 Community Support ads

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meets Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7:30-8:30 pm, at Jefferson United Methodist Church, 115 E. Main St. Come to front of Church on Main St. (door on the far left.) Meetings are open. Also meeting Mondays from 6-7 pm, at Sparta United Methodist Church, 190 N. Main St., Sparta. For Feedback or to Cancel

MARINES, SEMPER FI breakfast at 9 am, every Friday morning, at the Whistle Stop in Warrensville. All veterans are welcome to tell their tales and sea stories. Call Tugboat at 828-406-4446 for more information. For Feedback or to Cancel

GUARDIAN AD LITEM ADVOCATES serve as the judge’s eyes and ears on abused and neglected children who have been taken from their homes and are now in foster care. More than 1,500 abused and neglected children in North Carolina go to court without someone to advocate for them. Be a voice for the child and speak up for their best interests. For Alleghany, Ashe and Wilkes Counties, to find out more about being a Guardian Ad Litem, call 336-651-4421 or visit volunteerforgal.org. For Feedback or to Cancel

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of men & women who share experience, strength & hope, whose primary purpose is to stay sober and help others recover from alcoholism. Not allied with any sect, denomination, organization or institution, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. We meet 6 days/week at West Jefferson United Methodist Church, Room 113. Enter through the side door facing the parking lot. Closed meetings for alcoholics and those who feel they may have a drinking problem, Sat. at noon, Sun., 4 pm, Mon. & Tues., 7:30 pm. Open meetings for alcoholics and those interested in learning more, Thur. & Fri. 7:30 pm. For Feedback or to Cancel