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ALLEGHANY SPARTA TRAIL ASSOCIATION (ASTA) will be leading a hike to Carter Falls in Elkin on Saturday, February 15, from 11 am to 1 pm. Hike begins at the Grassy Creek Vineyard & Winery and goes through the Enchanted Forest to Carter Falls. It is a 4.5 miles out and back moderate hike.
For detailed information, visit meetup.com/alleghany-sparta-trail-association-asta/events/304368712/ If you have not done so, we encourage you to join ASTA on Meetup, a free event-based app. This is the best way to get notifications of our events, including last minute cancellations. For Feedback or to Cancel Meetup for ASTA

PHIPPS GENERAL STORE MUSIC JAM Friday nights, 7-10 pm, at 2425 Silas Creek Rd., Lansing, NC. Old-time, bluegrass and mountain music. No charge to get in, coffee is free. A great place to share some tunes or learn some new ones! We do ask pickers to play songs in the public domain. We appreciate our friends & love to meet new folks, so come out & let’s enjoy some music and fellowship! For Feedback or to Cancel