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  Secondhand News Plus:   Helping Stuff Find Its Forever Home Since 1996!

About Us Secondhand News Plus:


About SHNPlus You need to know:

Who We Are

Established in 1996 by Susan Beard and Carlean Lyall, Secondhand News Plus is a weekly shopper, published in print the first week of each month and online every Thursday evening, serving Ashe and surrounding counties. In addition, we publish seasonal "targeted" print publications, distributed in 15 area counties— these are also available for download through our website.

Secondhand News Plus continues to be independently owned and operated and is not associated with any other publication. We invite you to visit our Facebook page, Secondhand News Plus.

Follow Us on Facebook!
5/9/20/ Carlean Lyall/ About SHNPlus/

How to Reach Us:

Call or text 828-406-0773 between 6:30-9:30 pm Mon.-Sat. (we WILL call you back), or email us at Classifieds@SHNPlus.com

Contact Info:

Secondhand News Plus

PO Box 979

West Jefferson, NC 28694

828-406-0773 • Classifieds@SHNPlus.com

Email is Best!
03/10/25 23:00/ Carlean Lyall/ About SHNPlus/

Display Ads

Reach Thousands!

We have ad packages available to fit any budget! For Display/Box ads, please call 828-406-0773 between 6:30-9:30 pm Mon.-Sat. (If we miss your call, we will call you back - please be sure to leave a number) or email Classifieds@SHNPlus.com

Email Us!
5/9/20/ Webguy/ About SHNPlus/

Policies Those pesky details:

Classified Ad Deadlines

Deadline for ALL Advertising is 5 pm Tuesday for the Current Issue

Our classified ad deadline is 5 pm on Tuesday for the current week. Please submit your ad (with payment if required — PLEASE CHECK TO SEE) prior to that time. (See payment options below.) If your ad requires payment, it will not appear on the site until payment is received. Unpublished ads that remain unpaid after 14 days will be deleted from our records. Also, please be aware that your ad does not go directly online; it will be turned on once it has cleared our editing process.

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How Do I Cancel an Ad?

My item sold and I want to stop the calls!

You can click the "Feedback" link that is to the bottom right of your ad. That will give us a link to your ad and ensure we cancel the right one. Or, call us at 828-406-0773 and leave a message with your phone number (we will either cancel the ad for you or call you back per your request), or you can email: Classifieds@SHNPlus.com . Please make sure to include the phone number used in your classified ad.

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Secondhand News, Inc. reserves the right to limit the number of ads placed by a single party. Secondhand News, Inc. will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature.

Secondhand News, Inc. reserves the sole right to edit, revise or reject any and all advertising with or without cause being assigned.

Secondhand News, Inc. assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but if at fault, will rerun the classified ad (or) that portion of the (display) ad in which the error appears.

12/18/19 09:35:50/ Webguy/ Policies/