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  Secondhand News Plus:   Helping Stuff Find Its Forever Home Since 1996!

ADvisements What you need to know about our Ads


Ad Pricing : What is free, what is paid? Top ▲

Pricing Overview

If you need help with placing an ad, please call 828-406-0773 from 6:30 - 9:30 pm Monday-Friday and we'll be glad to help you.


Please read carefully:

MOST ads for individuals run free of charge - including a picture!.


FREE ADS (include a photo of the item if you like) automatically run a minimum of 8 weeks or until you notify us to remove them, whichever comes first.


SOME ADS for Individuals and ALL ADS for Businesses (see "Definition of A Business" below) must be prepaid. If your ad requires payment, it will not appear on the site until payment is received.


RE Paid Ads: A "link" for a website, Facebook page, or email is included in the price. You may add your logo or a photo for an additional cost of $2 per the number of weeks your ad runs. See below:


Prices are:

• $7 per ad per week ($9 with photo)

• $14 for 2 weeks ($18 with photo)

• $21 for three weeks ($27 with photo)

When you pay for 3 weeks, the 4th week is FREE!


You may submit your ads through our website, call us during business hours (6:30-9:30 pm) and pay over the phone, or email them (with or without attached photos) to Classifieds@SHNPlus.com


PLEASE NOTE: You may submit up to three photos along with your ad and they WILL BE available online. However, only one of them will appear in the actual (PDF version) of the paper. We will NOT ACCEPT copyrighted photos.


Send us your classified ad!
Posted 10/06/20 by Webguy Under Ad Pricing Permalink 1645636119
What is a Business?
ALL ADS for Businesses (see "Definition of A Business" below) must be prepaid.

“Business” for our purposes is defined as a person or persons, partnership, corporation or “home-based business” selling a product or animal or providing a service (including housing) on an ongoing basis, for the purpose of making a profit, as opposed to John Doe selling his car or Jane Doe selling a piece of furniture.

Send us your classified ad!
Posted 10/06/20 by Webguy Under Ad Pricing Permalink 1602008066
Free and Paid Details

FREE Ads for Individuals Include:
  • Items Being Given Away
  • General Merchandise, Farm & Garden, Automotive or Antiques & Collectibles priced under $2,500. Price must be listed in the ad
  • Community or Church Announcements
  • "Want Ads" for Merchandise or Services Needed
  • Community-Organized Fundraisers* for a Local Entity, provided the ad states that ALL proceeds benefit this cause (*Does not apply to county, state or worldwide organizations)
  • Classes Offered for FREE (If you are charging a fee for your class, the ad automatically becomes a "paid" ad.
  • “Thank You” Messages, Lost & Found Items and Lost and Found Pets


    If you are listing more than one item, please list them separately so they can be easily categorized; do not lump them all together into a single ad. (You are welcome to include a photo with your FREE ad if you like.):

    ALSO, If you wish your email to be included as a method of contact (there is no charge for this), please add it JUST BEFORE (not after) your phone number within your ad information and that way, we will know to include it. Also include the word TEXT in your contact info if you want to be contacted in that way.

PAID Ads Include:
  • General Merchandise, Farm & Garden, Automotive or Antiques & Collectibles priced over $2,500
  • Auctions, Thrift Shops and Flea Markets
  • All Yard Sales and **Some Fundraisers. (**Applies to county, state or worldwide organizations)
  • Any and All Guns or Ammo (for sale or wanted, on a per item basis)
  • Gunsmithing Services and Concealed Carry Classes
PAID Ads Under Farm & Garden Include:
  • Hay and Firewood for Sale
  • Christmas Trees (for sale or wanted) and Related Items
  • Timber (for sale or wanted)
  • Commercially-Produced Farm Produce or Products
PAID Ads Under Animals Include:
  • Animal Services, as well as animals for which service fees are charged, (i.e.: "At Stud")
  • Professional and Non-Professional Breeder Ads for Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Chickens, Horses, etc. (registered or not)
  • All Livestock for Sale Ads (Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Goats, Llamas, Pigs)
PAID Ads Under Automotive Include:
  • Any and All Vehicles (Cars, Trucks, Trailers, Campers, Boats, 4-Wheelers, Tractors, and Automotive Parts priced over $2,500 - price must be listed in the ad )
PAID Ads Under Real Estate Include:
  • Any and All Homes, Businesses and/or Land for Sale (per property listed within the ad)
PAID Ads Under Rentals Include:
  • Any and All Rentals or Leases (per rental or lease)
PAID Ads Under Jobs Include:
  • Business Opportunities Offered
  • Employment (Help Wanted)
PAID Ads Under Services Include:
  • Any and All Services Offered on a full-time, part-time, or "work from home" basis (for example, Appliance Refurbishing, Child Care, Cleaning Service, Elder Care, Landscaping, Lawn & Garden Equipment Refurbishing, Lawn Mowing & Weed Trimming, Ongoing Yard Sale, etc.)
Posted 5/7/20 by Webguy Under Ad Pricing Permalink 1563841883
What You Get For The Money:

• Exposure in our monthly print publication (provided we have your ad prior to our print deadline)

• Weekly exposure on our "categorized" website for the duration of your "paid for" time

• Exposure in our online PDF version of Secondhand News Plus, available in its entirety from a link on our website.

• Business display/box ads (only) also receive exposure on our website slide show AND on our FB page: @Secondhand News Plus — we invite you to check it out!

Posted 5/9/20 by Webguy Under Ad Pricing Permalink 1563841806

Payment Options : How to pay for your classified ad Top ▲

Pay By Phone, In Person Or By Mail

If your ad requires payment (please check to see), it will be turned on by our classified editor once payment has been received.

Pay by Credit/Debit Card over the phone

Please call 828-406-0773 (6:30-9:30 pm)

Pay in Person

You are welcome to drop a check or cash by 101 N. Jefferson Ave, West Jefferson (across from Black Jack's Pub & Grill, inside Southern Slang)

Pay By Mail

Mail a check or money order (please DO NOT MAIL CASH) to: Secondhand News Plus, PO Box 979, West Jefferson, NC 28694. To insure proper credit, please be sure to write the phone number you are using on your classified ad in the memo section of your check


We DO NOT ISSUE REFUNDS. If you sell your item before the allotted (paid for) time is up (for example, if you pay for a month and sell your item after 2 weeks), you will not be issued a refund. We ask that you please call and let us know as soon as the item is sold so that we can remove it or mark it "sold." If your (paid for) classified ad is inadvertently omitted, we will be happy to run it the following week or issue a credit for future use, but again, you must call us.

Posted 08/05/20 by Webguy Under Payment Options Permalink 1585517038

Policies : Those pesky details Top ▲

Classified Ad Deadlines
Deadline for ALL Advertising is 5 PM Monday for the Current Issue

Please submit your ad (with payment if required — please check to see) by 5 pm on Monday. You may online (if you submit your ad online), by Credit/Debit card over the phone, in person at 101 Jefferson Ave., West Jefferson, NC, or by mail (please allow seven days for receipt of mailed ad info and payment). If your ad requires payment, it will NOT appear until payment is received. Unpublished ads that remain unpaid after 14 days will be deleted from our records.

Posted 1/11/25 09:29:38 by Webguy Under Policies Permalink 1576679378
How Do I Cancel an Ad?
My item sold, and I want to stop the calls!

To cancel an ad, you may click the "Feedback" link located at the bottom right of your ad, and let us know through the contact page. That will give us a link to your ad, so we cancel the right one.

Or, just call 828-406-0773 or email: classifieds@SHNPlus.com . Please make sure your email includes the phone number used in your classified ad.

Posted 03/02/20 13:06:04 by Webguy Under Policies Permalink 1583172364
The Fine Print:

Secondhand News Plus, Inc. reserves the right to limit the number of ads placed by a single party. Secondhand News Plus, Inc. will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature.

Secondhand News Plus, Inc. reserves the sole right to edit, revise or reject any and all advertising with or without cause being assigned.

Secondhand News Plus, Inc. assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisement, but if at fault, will reprint the classified ad (or) that portion of the (display) ad in which the error appears.

Posted 12/18/19 09:35:50 by Webguy Under Policies Permalink 1576679750

Renewals : Renew My Classified Ad Top ▲