will be leading a hike to Carter Falls in Elkin on Saturday, February 15, from 11 am to 1 pm. Hike begins at the Grassy Creek Vineyard & Winery and goes through the Enchanted Forest to Carter Falls. It is a 4.5 miles out and back moderate hike.
For detailed information, visit meetup.com/alleghany-sparta-trail-association-asta/events/304368712/ If you have not done so, we encourage you to join ASTA on Meetup, a free event-based app. This is the best way to get notifications of our events, including last minute cancellations.
Ashe County North Carolina Republican Women's Club (ACNCRW) will meet the fourth Thursday of each month at 11 am at Ashe County Worship Center, 863 Ray Taylor Road, West Jefferson. The church is located up on the hill, across from the Senior Center, next to Ashe County Transportation Authority. A catered luncheon will be available for anyone interested— RSVP is required (an accurate head count is needed). The cost is $10/plate, paid at the door (cash and exact change, please— no credit or debit cards), and includes lunch, drink and dessert. There is no charge if you choose not to eat. RSVP to Jeniferfalls1@outlook.com, call (828) 691-8769 or email info@acncrw.org
916 Helton Creek Rd, Lansing, NC (28643), invites you to their services, Friday nights, 7 pm, and Saturdays at noon. For more information, contact Corey Richardson, pastor, 336-620-8989.
meetings are held at 6:30 pm on the third Tuesday of each month at Mt. Paddy Church, Jefferson, NC. Open to individuals who have had weight loss surgery, as well as those who are considering this surgery. Call Terri, 336-877-7018.
Join the Jefferson Odd Fellows! Lodge #38 meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:30 pm, at 226-A East Main St., Jefferson . Learn more about what we do! Call 336-620-1167.
meets the third Monday of each month at 6:30 pm, on Ashe Park Rd. For info, 336-982-6233
Friday nights, 7-10 pm, at 2425 Silas Creek Rd., Lansing, NC. Old-time, bluegrass and mountain music. No charge to get in, coffee is free. A great place to share some tunes or learn some new ones! We do ask pickers to play songs in the public domain. We appreciate our friends & love to meet new folks, so come out & let’s enjoy some music and fellowship!
meets Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7:30-8:30 pm, at Jefferson United Methodist Church, 115 E. Main St. Come to front of Church on Main St. (door on the far left.) Meetings are open. Also meeting Mondays from 6-7 pm, at Sparta United Methodist Church, 190 N. Main St., Sparta.
for children 7 and under, Mondays, 10:30 am, at the North Wilkesboro United Methodist Church, corner of 6th and D Sts. 336-670-3468.
breakfast at 9 am, every Friday morning, at the Whistle Stop in Warrensville. All veterans are welcome to tell their tales and sea stories. Call Tugboat at 828-406-4446 for more information.
serve as the judge’s eyes and ears on abused and neglected children who have been taken from their homes and are now in foster care. More than 1,500 abused and neglected children in North Carolina go to court without someone to advocate for them. Be a voice for the child and speak up for their best interests. For Alleghany, Ashe and Wilkes Counties, to find out more about being a Guardian Ad Litem, call 336-651-4421 or visit volunteerforgal.org.
meets the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm, at 446 Ashe Park Rd., Jefferson. 336-982-3743.
Our current service schedule: Sunday School at 10am and Worship Service 11am each Sunday - join us in person, or in our parking lot via radio broadcast. We are also running 10-15 minute daily devotionals on FB live at 6pm each day. All Lives are posted on FB @BeaverCreekChristianChurch.
holds in-person meetings every Wednesday at noon in the Parish of the Holy Communion Mission House located directly across from Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (195 JW Luke Rd., Glendale Springs). Anyone who has been affected by a loved one's drinking or addiction is welcome. For more information, contact Linda, call or text (828) 964-8373.
is a fellowship of men & women who share experience, strength & hope, whose primary purpose is to stay sober and help others recover from alcoholism. Not allied with any sect, denomination, organization or institution, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. We meet 6 days/week at West Jefferson United Methodist Church, Room 113. Enter through the side door facing the parking lot. Closed meetings for alcoholics and those who feel they may have a drinking problem, Sat. at noon, Sun., 4 pm, Mon. & Tues., 7:30 pm. Open meetings for alcoholics and those interested in learning more, Thur. & Fri. 7:30 pm.