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VENUE CHANGE ANNOUNCED. Ashe County North Carolina Republican Women's Club (ACNCRW) will meet the fourth Thursday of each month at 11 am at Ashe County Worship Center, 863 Ray Taylor Road, West Jefferson. The church is located up on the hill, across from the Senior Center, next to Ashe County Transportation Authority. A catered luncheon will be available for anyone interested— RSVP is required (an accurate head count is needed). The cost is $10/plate, paid at the door (cash and exact change, please— no credit or debit cards), and includes lunch, drink and dessert. There is no charge if you choose not to eat. RSVP to Jeniferfalls1@outlook.com, call (828) 691-8769 or email info@acncrw.org For Feedback or to Cancel acncrw.org/

ASHE SERENITY ALANON holds in-person meetings every Wednesday at noon in the Parish of the Holy Communion Mission House located directly across from Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (195 JW Luke Rd., Glendale Springs). Anyone who has been affected by a loved one's drinking or addiction is welcome. For more information, contact Linda, call or text (828) 964-8373. For Feedback or to Cancel